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Here comes the sun.....wait what?

I have such a great day planned. One of my dearest friends, her boyfriend, my boyfriend and myself are, were, I mean, were going to the beach. Perfect idea for a Saturday right? Exactly what I'm thinking and am about to give myself a nice pat on the back when my lovely bf says, "what's the weather going to be like?"

Weather....well, sunny of course!....I've planned a beach day.

Oh, well I'll just check and make sure.
Beach arrival time: 11 am
Sun disappears and clouds arriving with a large green storm front with a huge red center directly over the planned beach adventure....check
.....wait what!

Helloooooo?!?!? Who said you can let it thunderstorm on MY beach day?? Let it rain during the work week but not TOday!

Ugh. I better go make a phone call...and maybe check the forecast like a responsible adult next time before making plans. Silly me for planning on sun :)

excuse me sir...have you seen my run?? (or T-Rex Shuffle)

I've heard of golfers losing their swing, swimmers losing their rhythm, writer's becoming blocked, and basketball players being "off" or "cold" during a game.

Well, I went running this morning and it felt really weird. Now that I think about it, the past couple times i've been running it hasn't felt like "my run". I used to feel a nice easy bounce with small steps and a sort of lightness to it. These past couple of times, however, I've felt like I've had the gracefulness of a T-Rex on an old 90s Norditrack. Grinding away with heavy steps, big legs, and whose seemingly little arms are scurrying to keep up with this awkard pace.

Which then brings me to the question....could I have lost my run?
I then brought my T-Rex shuffle to a slower version....made a few adjustments..and kept running. I focused on my Ipod playing Diane Birch's Valentino...(awesome by the way) and somehow..started to feel more like me! Did I just...wait, yes, I do believe I did...found my run!

My Jurassic days are over :)

Where are my pancakes??

Mornings are always interesting at my apartment. I ususally try to workout...but sleep in and then rush to the gym or cut time off my run. (Ha, well, who am I kidding, I don't REALLY cut time off my run b/c they're so short anyways, but let's just believe I do.) Anyways...
Today I slept in, went for a jog and by the way...its Gorgeous outside! Breezy, sunny, with just enough shade from the trees so I don't have to wear sunglasses and sweat like crazy. Came back, showered and yes..time for breakfast.

Cheerios and strawberries. yumm but...is that all? Where is my mom with fresh fruit and pancakes? Why isn't my dad frying baking and scrambling my eggs in the kitchen? Hmm, do you think my landlord could use the empty space in the laundry room and become a short order morning chef? I'll have two eggs, bacon and a pancake with the sugary maple syrup please!

No??? Cereal it is...but maybe i'll run the idea by my landlord and see what he thinks :)

What's important to me? What reaches the heart of my being?

These are questions that I started to ask myself when thinking about a new career. I work in health care, but sometimes feel that we really aren't health advocates. Health, to me, is taking care of the entire person, not just their physical symptoms. It's about looking at them, who they are, what their story is, and helping to begin healing their emotional and spiritual selves, in addition to their illness. This isn't done enough.

I used to feel that my work had to be my passion in life....and then I started working. Passion, and work? Hmmmmm, that isn't exactly the right combination is it? For some, maybe it is. But for me, that hasn't been the case. I'd like to get back to the idealistic college student who was going to "Save the world". I thought I was going to travel to 3rd world countries and live like the medicine woman. Or something to that effect anyway. I don't know....something pulls at me when I see the commercial for TOM shoes when one of the employees gets a kiss and hug from some little child he just gave a pair of shoes too. Silly, maybe. Beautiful, exactly.

So TOM...if you're reading, not only am I willing to give away your shoes to little children, I'll even throw in some nursing care and education.


After having an amazing conversation with one of my closest friends...I've decided to take this day, at this time, for me.

I don't think I do this enough. I might say that, "Don't you know it's all about me" in a joking manner, but I never truly mean it.

So, this July 5th...is my independence day. I plan on doing whatever I need to do to reconnect to the self that I love most. I'm dedicating this day to me, and will choose to savor every last minute of sunshine God brings this girl today.

Pink and yellow rain gear

On a day like today:
I wish I had woke up from a restful night of sleep and found it to be Satuday morning.

On a day like today:
It would have been great to finish my wonderful bowl of Coco pebbles (gotta love the chocolate milk effect) and bring it to a sink where there was a dishwasher, in place of my two hands and their side kick Mr. Palmolive.

On a day like today:
I could have done without the invention of robots that are now able to capture me speeding to work so that I don't get in trouble with my oh-so-not-understanding Mr. Boss man....I could have told the robot that I am going to save lives and help the needy and bring about world peace so please please please don't give me a ticket! But unfortunaltey, I didnt even know there was a robot and I'm sure he doesn't care about where I'm going or what I'm going to do...he just wants to take MY MONEY!

On a day like today:
I wish I was small and looked at a rainy summer day as a chance to watch cartoons inside all day with a side of disny movies and popcorn or play in my yellow and pink rain gear.

But today is today, and instead of wishing for a morning mulligan...I guess i'll go get ready for work and dream of pink and yellow rain gear.