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Change is a comin

Well, its been a while. Ive actually been doing a lot of thinking lately. So here it comes:
After college, you tend to go through a mourning period. You miss your friends because most likely you can't just walk to the next room, down the street, or across the hall to find them. You have moved, and are now... prepare yourself....WORKING! This can come as quite the shock..where are the parties....the long afternoons where you would just sit and have a drink with your friends? You mean I actually have to do what I was taught in my four years of college???? Oh dear God.

This eventually settles down a bit, and you can ease (slowly now) into the working world. To your suprise, you might actually be good at your job and get promoted...that's always a strange feeling. You think yourself....self...have I got them all fooled! Or, wow, I really know what I'm doing and my superiors actually see this...how awesome. So, life continues on, you are now officially in the working world and start to get that this is how it is....

And then you hit that point....around year 28. Questions such as: This is going to be what I do the rest of my life??? Or, my boss is not as smart as I am, I should have her/his job! OR....get me out of here, I need a new job!

This is where I'm at. Ive worked as a nurse for 6 years now, in many different areas and let me tell you.....I'm ready to make a change. Funny thing about change is she's sneaky....she'll creep into your life and leave a pamphlet...yet the pamphlet of instructions is in Chinese, or French or Arabic (you get my point). So you know that you want to decode what the change is...but don't quite now where to start. Do I need to take another class, or get more experience..if only you could figure out what the change requires? I don't know where I'll be going...but I do now that I want it...

So here's to all of you that are looking for change..I'm right there with you. Take courage, be bold, and decipher that pamphlet!


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